Evolve Guidelines - Account Access & Reporting

Evolve Guidelines - Account Access & Reporting

How will a client get access to their accounts?

Answer:  Clients will continue to receive monthly/quarterly account statements directly from the respective product company. At any time, they can contact the company directly for any/all account-related questions and/or service-related requests. Furthermore, clients can establish a login to the respective product company to view their account online.

How will I (the Advisor) get access to the accounts?

Answer: For mutual funds held direct, Mutual Securities, Inc. (“Mutual”) will setup an Advisor with a new DST Vision ID so they can view the account and associated information online. Additionally, Mutual brings eligible program accounts into Orion for the purpose of viewing the accounts. Certain carriers may not provide data feeds into Orion and in those instances, Mutual will manually maintain account balances in Orion on a quarterly basis. Certain account data can be downloaded out of Orion in CSV format for additional uses by the Advisor. (For Example: importing into your own account aggregation platform)

By virtue of the fact that an Advisor is no longer a registered representative, they will not be eligible to contact the company directly without the customer or without appropriate customer authorization.

However, an Advisor can contact the Evolve team via the Evolve Portal for support when needed.

Can I (the Advisor) still access the accounts through my existing DST login?

Answer:  By virtue of the fact that an Advisor is no longer a registered representative, any previously active DST ID’s will no longer work for accounts in the program. For mutual funds held direct, Mutual will setup an Advisor with a new DST Vision ID so they can view the account and associated information online.


Can I (the Advisor) continue to receive copies of quarterly account statements?

Answer: Yes. Depending on the product/company, a client can either complete a form or send a letter of instruction requesting to add an Advisor as an “interested party” to be furnished with copies of monthly/quarterly account statements. If a company doesn’t allow for this, Advisors are able to contact the Evolve team through the Evolve Portal to request these. Standard turnaround is 24-48 hours, depending on quantity requested. Please note, this is a one-off process, and Mutual will NOT accept a request to export all statements for all clients or all statements from a company. Mutual highly recommends that Advisors establish interested party access whenever possible.

Note During the transition and asset evaluation process, a list of companies and their respective forms will be furnished to an Advisor for the ease of getting this established.

How can I (the Advisor) report on the accounts?

Answer: Mutual provides access to Orion for limited reporting purposes. For more advanced requirements, Advisors can leverage their own instance of Orion and Mutual can push certain[1] account-level information into the Advisor’s Orion database.  (Note Separate Orion charges may apply. Please consult with your Orion account representative) For those using a system other than Orion, certain data can be downloaded out of Orion as a CSV file and imported into other portfolio accounting/reporting systems.[2]

Furthermore, the Orion login credentials provided by Mutual can be used to bring account information into eMoney or other systems with an Orion integration.

[1] Some data sources used to bring program eligible accounts into Orion are not able to be pushed into a separate Orion database.

[2] It is important that you know exactly what fields are needed by your portfolio accounting/reporting system before creating the CSV file download.

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